Astrometeorological predictions for the period 29 Jan-5 Feb 2025:
- Strong rains possible in the Line Islands. Cook Islands and parts of French Polynesia, too, could experience strong rains.
- Wet weather possible in Hamilton-Auckland area (New Zealand).
- Some possibility of earthquake in South Island (New Zealand), especially around the Invercargill-Dunedin area.
- Possibility of major earthquake in New Caledonia-Vanuatu area or near Norfolk Island.
- Northeastern Queensland could be somewhat stormy.
- There could be strong precipitation in the area around the Great Australian Bight and the Roe Plains. This, in general, is quite an arid area.
- High winds possible in and around Tasmania.
- Strong rains possible in the Timor Sea region, with parts of Western Australia as well as the Lesser Sunda Islands also lying in this region.
- High amount of rains possible in Taiwan and parts of the eastern coastline of China.
- A strong earthquake is possible in Taiwan or the Philippines during this period. The Tainan-Kaohsiung area looks the most vulnerable on the charts.
- An earthquake also looks possible in northeastern China, including in Beijing region, or nearby areas of Mongolia.
- Eastern Mongolia and surroundings may experience heavy precipitation or strongly cold weather.
- Indo-Pakistani Arabian Sea coast may experience rough seas. The Gulf of Kutch and Saurashtra coast and the Sindh coast, in particular, may see high winds. The Gulf of Oman, too, and nearby Dubai area may see rough weather.
- Parts of Kenya and Tanzania could see copious precipitation.
- Plentiful rains possible in Comoros and parts of Mozambique. Southwestern Madagascar and parts of Malawi, too, may experience the same.
- Very heavy rains likely in many parts of Zambia as well as neighbouring areas of East Africa and Zimbabwe. The area around Lake Tanganyika seems especially vulnerable on the charts.
- Very strong harmattan winds and haze possible in West Africa, notably in and around Sierra Leone.
- High probability of a strong earthquake in the Kamchatka Peninsula.
- Parts of central and western Turkey, including Istanbul itself, may see heavy precipitation.
- Heavy precipitation in Belarus and many parts of Ukraine (especially central Ukraine).
- Moldova and eastern Romania could experience heavy precipitation, or a storm could affect the western Black Sea area.
- Eastern Finland and the nearby city of St. Petersburg (Russia) could see heavy snowfall. Moscow, too, could see copious rains or snow.
- Mild, pleasant weather possible in Provence and other parts of southwestern France and northeastern Spain. In fact, it may be mild weather in much of France and England during this period.
- Strong winds possible in Ireland.
- High winds possible also at the Portuguese coast and nearby Galician coast.
- Seismic activity possible in eastern Iceland.
- Heavy rainfall possible in the Macapá-Belém region (Brazil) and nearby Guyana-French Guyana-Surinam region as well as the state of Delta Amacuro (Venezuela).
- Very heavy rainfall possible in the Manaus-Mato Grosso region and parts of Bolivia.
- Parts of Paraguay as well as Jujuy and Formosa provinces of Argentina may experience storms or spells of extremely heavy rain.
- Heavy rains possible in Barbados.
- Storms are extremely rare in the Gulf of Mexico area around this time of the year, but it is possible on this occasion.
- Strong precipitation possible in Saint Pierre and Miquelon as well as the island of Newfoundland.
- Very strong possibility of an earthquake near the 86.5 W longitude. The Nashville-Bowling Green area looks the most vulnerable on the charts.
Cities very close to this line include Bowling Green (Kentucky), Bloomington (Indiana), Chicago (Illinois), Saint-Louis (Missouri), Nashville (Tennessee), and Huntsville (Alabama). The regions around Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, too, lie close. It must be noted that the moderately seismically hazardous Toronto-Mississauga area, too, lies not far from this line.
- Parts of the Midwest may see strong rains or snowfall, particularly Iowa and Missouri.
- Earthquake possible in California, probably in the Sacramento-Fresno area.
- Earthquake also possible in Seattle-Vancouver area.
- A big quantity of snowfall likely in the Alaska-Yukon border area.
- Strong possibility of a major earthquake in Alaska, probably in southcentral Alaska or off the coast in the Gulf of Alaska. The city of Anchorage itself is in this area, and Fairbanks is not too far.
- Storm possible in or near Wake Island.
To see a non-exhaustive list of successful Weather Watch predictions in the past, click here (for 2024) or here (for 2025).
Disclaimer: The predictions or interpretations provided on this website or in this newsletter for any weather or earthquake or for anything else are for entertainment purpose only. Nothing is guaranteed to happen. Services offered by Palmist Ankur or any content published by Palmist Ankur are NOT a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any securities, bonds or any other financial instruments. While the information that Palmist Ankur provides you is with aims to serve as a guide, it does not replace professional advice. By subscribing to the content of this website or purchasing any other type of service, you fully agree and understand this and waive Palmist Ankur off any responsibility and liability from this event and its outcome.
A great danger of a major earthquake in the Nashville-Bowling Green area (i.e., the New Madrid Seismic Zone area) lies during the intervening night of 4th and 5th Feb or early morning of 5th Feb 2025.